Brad Huff
Brad Huff began his professional career with Allstate Insurance Company in 2002 as a casualty claim adjuster, handling high exposure auto bodily injury claims. Joining Glatfelter Claim Management in 2010, Mr. Huff was responsible for the claim administration and management of a nationwide program involving multiple lines of commercial insurance. An experienced negotiator who has attended mediations and trials on a nationwide basis, Mr. Huff has broad experience in liability claim management, to include Long Term Care, Medical Malpractice, General Liability, Product Liability, Municipal Liability and Commercial Auto. In addition to an Associate’s Degree in Nursing, Mr. Huff earned his Bachelor of Business Administration in Management from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX. Mr. Huff also holds a Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) designation.